2018 is in the books and a new year brings with it, new opportunities and a new sense of purpose. So, its time to focus and set down your renovation goals for 2019.
Perhaps it’s that cook top that only has one working burner, or the tiny space that doesn’t fit your new fridge. Maybe it’s the total lack of storage for the new set of saucepans you were gifted for Christmas or even that wet smell from the cabinet under the sink. Whatever is your tipping point, 2019 is the time to finally replace that tired old kitchen.
The Bathroom?
It might not be the kitchen at all. The moldy tiles in the shower recess or the toilet that only flushes half the time could be the start of a process that ends with a crisp new modern bathroom. A bathroom with an open walk in shower, floating vanity unit and a groovy mosaic feature wall. Sounds good doesn’t it.

Multiple rooms?
Perhaps its both or more. Multi room renovations can revitalize your life and add thousands of dollars to the value of your home. Like the multitude of home renovation shows on TV, your home may be an ugly duckling now but with careful planning and professional help it could be the home of your dreams.

Well hope is at hand. January is the perfect month to get your renovation plans in order. The kids are on school holidays. Often, you’re also having a break from work and can find more time to visit showrooms and suppliers. Take advantage of this extra time and start the new year on the right foot. But where to start?
Here is a quick start guide for your New Year Renovation
- Step 1. Priorities – Make a list of all the improvements you would love to make to your home It doesn’t matter whether they be big expenses like a new kitchen or smaller project like new gutters and down pipes to the veranda. Once you have your list, shuffle them into a list from most important to least important. Remember you’ll need to balance these items on wants versus needs. For example, you may want that new kitchen but is the lack of a second bathroom for your growing family is a more pressing concern.
- Step 2. Budgeting – What are you prepared to spend to improve your lifestyle and the value of your largest investment. This can be a scary question for many people but it’s one of the most critical questions you’ll need to address. Most professionals will ask you this question early in your discussions, so they can best help you achieve your outcomes. If you don’t know this answer because you haven’t renovated before or for many years, then move on to step 3.
- Step 3. Seek advice – Whether it’s questions about budget, style, renovation time frames, processes, products, permits or any one of a thousand questions you may have, seek professional advice. Professional renovation companies like Select Kitchens have decades of experience across all aspects of home renovations. Take advantage of this experience. Visit Showrooms, visit suppliers, go to cooking appliance demonstrations, climb into baths in bathroom displays. Try before you buy.

Finished Bathroom
- Step 4. Action – Book a home visit from a professional designer. At Select Kitchens initial in-home consultations are free of charge. This is where the advice is tailored for you. Where advice is focused on the things that will improve your lifestyle. Where budgets can be discussed in more detail and professional designers can provide you with the advice that can change your ideas into reality
Well, there you have it.
A simple 4 step process to turning your renovation dreams into reality. There’s no time like the present to get started. Let’s forget about the annual New year’s resolution to give up smoking or go to the gym. Do yourself and your home a favour and make 2019 your renovation year.
So Happy New Year and we’ll see you in the showroom, we can’t wait to share your renovation journey.
By the way, you should also give up smoking, it’s really bad for your health.